Chilako Drilling Equipment
Chilako Drilling Drills
Chilako Drilling Equipment
C1150 Drill
Chilako Drilling Equipment File
C1150 Drill

C1150 Drill

C1150 Drill mounted on a tandem truck. This unit uses hollow stem and solid core augers with standard penetration testing, split barrel sampling, and continuous laskey sampling to 200ft. With a 22 ft. drive stroke this truck provides higher productivity due to the ability to pull 20 ft. strings of augers at a time. This drill has 11,000 ft lbs. of torque, a retract force of 32,000 lbs. and a draw works travel of 22 feet.

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C72 Drill
Chilako Drilling Equipment File
C72 Drill

C72 Drill

C72 Drill mounted on a tandom truck. This unit uses hollow stem and solid core augers with standard penetration testing and split barrel sampling to 150 ft. This drill also has the capacity to drill angle holes. The C72 drill has 10,000 ft. lbs. of torque, a retract force of 32,000 lbs. and a draw works travel is 22 feet.

The C72 is also capable of drilling as a wet or air rotary and is setup for wire line coring. The C72 is also capable of drilling with a DTH hammer to advance casing in gravel.

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C1250R Drill
Chilako Drilling Equipment File
C1250R Drill

C1250R Drill

C1250R drill is mounted on a tandem truck. This unit is a wet or air rotary drill that is also capable of auger drilling. The C1250R has 9,000 ft. lbs. of torque, 27,000 lbs retract force and a 22 foot draw works stroke. This drill is set up for wire line coring and DTH hammer drilling to advance casing in gravel.

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C60 Drill
Chilako Drilling Equipment File
C60 Drill

C60 Drill

C60 drill is mounted on a 4 wheel drive, high flotation, 4 wheel steer truck. This unit uses hollow stem and solid core augers with standard penetration testing and continuous laskey sampling to 100 feet. The C60 has 9,000 ft. lbs. torque, 25,000 lbs retract force and a 15 foot draw works stroke.

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B31 Drill
Chilako Drilling Equipment File
B31 Drill

B31 Drill

The B31 Drill is mounted on a 1 ton 4X4 and has the capability to drive on railway tracks. This drill is primarily used for thin walled core barrel sampling, standard penetration testing, and dry augers to 30ft. The B31 drill has 3,300 ft. lbs. of torque, Low over all height enables drilling inside many buildings. Retract force of 28,000 lbs. and a draw works travel of 5 feet.

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C18 Drill
Chilako Drilling Equipment File
C18 Drill

C18 Drill

The C18 is designed for tight access locations, indoor drilling and soft ground conditions. This unit can enter a building through a 30 inch wide doorway and requires only 92 inches of clearance to drill.

The C18 is mounted on tracks for soft soil conditions and minimal environmental impact.

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